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Purl Princess...(writes a book)
Monday, 23 February 2009
I have to ask...

In this world of www, email, forums, blogs, have we become colder as people? Tone is everything in speech. Partnered with body language it enables the speaker to deliver the message unmuddied. I suppose in this world online, the best communicators are the best writers. I'm a matter-of-fact kinda girl - and my tone in writing may be misconstrued for attitude, which is upsetting because I believe in truth without harming anyone. I teach my kids "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". Idealistic, maybe.

 I have some girlfriends, very dear, dear girlfriends, who are examples of complete kindness. They are my stellar girls. I try to emulate them and sometimes fall flat on my nose (my matter-of-factness). As I get older, I listen more, read more, smile more (I know now it doesn't matter what your teeth look like, it matters, a good dental plan or not, your face lights up when you smile) Laughing. I happen to like hugs and kisses. I can't do that online, can I? OXO Kiss I am affectionate and physical - I touch people on the arm when I speak to them. Can I do that here? Not so much.

So forgive my tone if it ever sounds anything but friendly (as it is meant). I love to write so I guess I need to work on my smiles, kisses and hugs online.

I'm tired today - Oscars and a brutally cold day!!!! On a brighter note, yarn arrived by courier!!! I was expecting Handmaiden and got a box of Blue Sky Alpaca and a box of Spinrite (Bernat and Patons) to play with. And the Handmaiden is on its way!!! Truly a knitting-by-the-fire kind of day and I have been online for much too long now. Back to work!!!

Have a fab day!


Posted by purlprincess at 1:19 PM EST
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Words to ponder

Part One: Life XIII

Emily Dickinson

THE SOUL selects her own society,

Then shuts the door;

On her divine majority

Obtrude no more.


Unmoved, she notes the chariot’s pausing

At her low gate;

Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling

Upon her mat.

I ’ve known her from an ample nation

Choose one;

Then close the valves of her attention

Like stone.




Posted by purlprincess at 8:23 AM EST
Monday, 9 February 2009

Whew! Talk about being tardy! I have been battling my blog site because I haven't been able to post since my last entry. I discovered I had to go back to Firefox 2 browser (from version 3). But discovering this solution has taken me this long.

 So Sample Sale....my project samples have been building up and I need to make room for new ones. If you see anything you like, please send a quote for shipping. I will include how to pay (I use paypal or certified cheques).

On another note, I have been stumped on the baby shawl for a while now, but think I have finally broken the block. All it needed was concerted effort and a huge amount of time (which I didn't have until recently). The baby book is close to being "born". I am being smarter about the process for book #2 and it's all in the prepare. Having most of the work done with a tight deadline is a nice place to be.

On the Wilson Ave Book Club update - out of 10:


I thoroughly enjoyed this read. Quirky. Funny enough, Trish loaned me a copy that Steve's puppy chewed the cover off of. I sat on the GO Train while reading it and the state of the cover (or lack of) totally suited the storyline.




A much easier read than Michael's earlier works (which were equally as good - English Patient is an all time fav of mine). The ending could have been different for me, but well worth the read.





I heard this was a great read and I had never read Jodi Picoult before. Not exactly high brow but wow, what a great storyteller! I am now a fan have have purchased 2 more of her books - you'll see them here eventually too. 





I love the idea of this book and the absolute heroism of Greg Mortenson. It will warm your hearts. 





Sorry Elizabeth - but I couldn't wait to finish this book (in a bad way). If it weren't for pressure from the book club to read, I would have given up on it much earlier. I felt there should have been more character building and less of the dull landscape of the Canadian North barrens. Unless you are an avid canoer, be prepared to doze while reading.




I thought this was a wonderful debut novel about the long love affair of Frank Lloyd Wright and Mamah Borthwick. Whether you are a fan of Frank's work or a sucker for romance, Loving Frank will surely please.




Yay!!!! I loved ready this book, What a gem! I have a thing for elephants so while I totally enjoyed Barbara Gowdy's "The White Bone" (another 9/10), the book club didn't (still can't belive that!). but we all loved Water for Elephants.


Here are the upcoming book club titles (and my new Jodi Picoult's). I promise to  give an more in depth review next time: 

Posted by purlprincess at 1:28 PM EST
Monday, 15 December 2008

Merry Christmas! Free red cable kid's sweater:

Child’s Red Cabled Sweater

Children's sweater is worked in Cable Pattern throughout. Instructions are written for size 3. Any changes for sizes 6, 9 and 12 are written in brackets. If there is only one figure, it applies to all sizes. Except as otherwise noted, standard abbreviations are used. Recommended for experienced knitters.

• 4(5,5,6) skeins Briggs & Little Regal (100 g) 2-ply pure wool yarn in desired colour
• Pair of 4.5 mm needles OR whichever needles you require to produce the tension given below
• Cable needle
• Stitch holders
• Tapestry needle


20 sts and 26 rows = 10 cm (4 ins) in St st. Work to exact tension with specified yarn to obtain satisfactory results. TO SAVE TIME, TAKE TIME TO CHECK TENSION.

Special Abbreviations:

C4F = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, k2, then k2 from cn.
C4B = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at back of work, k2, then k2 from cn.
T3F = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, p1, then k2 from cn.
T3B = Sl next st onto cn and leave at back of work, k2, then p1 from cn.
T4F = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, p2, then k2 from cn.
T4B = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at back of work, k2, then p2 from cn.
SlWrapK = Yfwd, sl next st onto right-hand needle, yb, return sl st to left-hand needle (as shown in Knit Wrap Diagram).
SlWrapP = Ybk, sl next st onto right-hand needle, yf, return sl st to left-hand needle (as shown in Purl Wrap Diagram).
KWraptog = Insert needle knitwise through wrapped yarn, then knitwise through wrapped st, and ktog.
PWraptog = Insert needle knitwise through wrapped yarn and sl onto left-hand needle, then insert needle purlwise through sl st and wrapped st, and ptog.

Cable pattern:
Row 1: (right side): P2, k4, [p4, k4] to last 2 sts, p2.
Row 2: K2, p4, [k4, p4] to last 2 sts, k2.
Row 3: P2, C4F, p4, C4B, [p4, C4F, p4, C4B] to last 2 sts, p2.
Row 4: As given for Row 2.
Rows 5 to 8: As given for rows 1 to 4.
Row 9: P1, T3B, T4F, T4B, T3F, [p2, T3B, T4F, T4B, T3F] to last st, p1.
Row 10: K1, p2, k3, p4, k3, p2, [k2, p2, k3, p4, k3, p2] to last st, k1.
Row 11: P1, k2, p3, C4B, p3, k2 [p2, k2, p3, C4B, p3, k2] to last st, p1.
Row 12: As given for Row 10.
Row 13: P1, T3F, T4B, T4F, T3B [p2, T3F, T4B, T4F, T3B] to last st, p1.
Row 14: As given for Row 2.
Row 15: P2, C4B, p4, C4F, [p4, C4B, p4, C4F] to last 2 sts, p2.
Row 16: As given for Row 2.
Row 17: As given for Row 1.
Rows 18 to 24: As given for rows 14 to 17, then rep rows 14, 15 and 16 once more.
Row 25: P1, T3B, T3F, p2, T3B, [T4F, T4B, T3F, p2, T3B] to last 4 sts, T3F, p1.
Row 26: K1, p2, [k2, p2] twice, [k3, p4, k3, p2, k2, p2] to last 5 sts, k2, p2, k1.
Row 27: P1, k2, [p2, k2] twice, [p3, C4F, p3, k2, p2, k2] to last 5 sts, p2, k2, p1.
Row 28: As given for Row 26.
Row 29: P1, T3F, T3B, p2, T3F, [T4B, T4F, T3B, p2, T3F], to last 4 sts, T3B, p1.
Rows 30 to 32: As given for rows 2 to 4.
These 32 rows form Cable Pat.

To Make:

Cast on 96(112,128,144)sts. Work Cable Pat until work from beg measures 39.5(43,54.5,57) cm/15-1/2(17,21-1/2,22-1/2) ins, ending with right side facing for next row.

To shape shoulders:
Next: Cast off 8(11,14,16)sts at beg of next 4 rows. 64(68,72,80)sts now on needle.
Next: Cast off 9(11,13,17)sts at beg of foll 2 rows. 46 sts now on needle. Cast off.

Cast on 96(112,128,144)sts. Work Cable Pat until work from beg measures 34.5(36,47.5,50) cm/13-1/2(14-1/4,18-3/4,19-3/4) ins, ending with right side facing for next row.

To shape left neck:
Work Cable Pat across 40(48,56,64)sts, turn (neck edge), leave rem 56(64,72,80)sts on spare needle.
Next: Keeping continuity of pat, dec 1 st at neck edge on next, then foll 14 rows. 25(33,41,49)sts now on needle.
Next: Work even in Cable Pat until work from beg measures 39.5(43,47.5,51) cm/15-1/2(17,18-3/4,20) ins, ending with right side facing for next row.

To shape left shoulder:
Keeping continuity of pat, cast off 8(11,14,16)sts at beg of next and foll alt row. 9(11,13,17)sts now on needle. Work 1 row even. Cast off.

To shape right shoulder:
With right side facing, sl first 16 sts from spare needle onto st holder. 40(48,56,64)sts now on needle.
Next: Keeping continuity of pat, work Cable Pat, dec 1 st at neck edge on next 15 rows. 25(33,41,49)sts now on needle.
Next: Work even in Cable Pat until work from beg measures 39.5(43,47.5,51) cm/15-1/2(17,18-3/4,20) ins, ending with wrong side facing for next row.

To shape right shoulder:
Keeping continuity of pat, cast off 8(11,14,16)sts at beg of next and foll alt row. 9(11,13,17)sts now on needle. Work 1 row even. Cast off.

Cast on 48(48,64,64)sts.
Next: Keeping continuity of pat, work Cable Pat, inc 1 st at each end of needle on 3rd, then foll 18(22,12,14) alt rows. 86(94,90,94)sts now on needle.
Next: Keeping continuity of pat, work Cable Pat, inc 1 st at each end of needle on every foll 4th row 6(7,14,16) times. 98(108,118,126)sts now on needle.
Next: Work even in Cable Pat until work from beg measures 26.5(30.5,34.5,38) cm/10-1/2(12,13-1/2,15) ins, ending with right side facing for next row. Cast off.

Cast on 122(126,134,134)sts.
Row 1 (right side): [K2, p2] to end of row.
Proceed, working short rows, as follows:
Row 2: [P2, k2] to last 2 sts, SlWrapK or SlWrapP as appropriate, turn, leaving last st unworked.
Row 3: [K2, p2] to last 2 sts, SlWrapK or SlWrapP as appropriate, turn, leaving last st unworked.
Next: Keeping continuity of rib, work [k2, p2] rib, completing last st before each wrapped st, then working SlWrapK or SlWrapP as appropriate, and leaving 1 additional st unworked at end of each row, for 62,(62,70,70) rows, thus ending with wrong side facing for next row, turn.
Next 2 rows: Keeping continuity of rib, work across all sts on needle, working KWraptog or PWraptog as appropriate.
Cast off in rib.

To finish:
Sew shoulder seams. Place markers 18(19.5,21.5,23) cm/7(7-3/4,8-1/2,9) ins from shoulder seam on each side edge. Sew sleeves between markers. Sew side and sleeve seams. Overlapping left-hand side edge over right-hand side edge 7.5 cm (3 ins) at centre front (reverse for girl's sweater), sew cast-on edge of collar around neck. Pin to measurements; block. Do not press.

Dear friends and family,

I am working on my next knitting book, "9 Months of Knitting" a baby knitting pattern book. As such, I am looking for stories themed around each of the nine months, that would accompany a knitting pattern (I provide the pattern). For instance, Month One would be “hearing the news”. The Ninth Month may have to do with being massive, impatient or the more dramatic race to the hospital. Or birth in an usual place. I would only pick one, or possibly two, stories per month, so if you have more than one story, in another month, that would be helpful. If it relates to knitting in anyway, all the better.

Stories should be a paragraph (2 at the most) - 150 - 250 words. If you have a fabulous story that takes you over that, throw it in - I can't promise anything but will definitely consider it (just not too long). And on considering.... How it relates to the month will be key. Humorous is good, something moving equally so. But all will be considered, I promise that. Again, involving knitting would be helpful.

Of course, book writing pays very little, but seeing your name in print is a buzz; an eternal stamp. You would be credited with your story as a tag below it ie – Joanne, Port Credit, Ontario  and I, of course, would be grateful. I will also provide a copy of the book for those who wrote the stories selected.

Please send onto your friends and family and not just women. And all over the world – it would be great to see some from outside Canada.  I would need all stories emailed to me by February 14th – Valentine’s Day – joanne.yordanou@sympatico.ca – writing is a nice January pastime.

I look forward to hearing from you. Have a safe and Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas!


Posted by purlprincess at 10:20 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 December 2008 9:20 AM EST
Friday, 19 September 2008
Stories wanted!!!!!!


Joan, I have to think you won't love knitting lace as much as you do when you knit the baby shawl. I just had a lovely two days with my Mom and asked her if she would like to see my favorite yarn store. I don't think she imagined the likes of Romni when she agreed. It was a gorgeous day yesterday to venture downtown. Let's just say I have never seen Roni so full - the wool was to the ceiling and spilling onto the floor. Every knitters dream. As I squeezed by other shoppers I remarked that if we fell, it would be a soft landing!

So Joan, I am playing with Malabrigo's baby lace wieght merino and it is beautiful. I was pulling my hair out at first as my needles were sliding out (should be using bamboo). Finally, I have it beat with end protectors. So as you might have guessed, I am working on the baby book and I need everyone's help. Let me explain...

 I am writing a baby book and need the stories of all that surrounds having a baby - whether personally or for a friend, daughter, sister etc. From the moments of trying to the first few weeks, I am looking for it all. These are not knitting stories, but actual experience of what it is like. Stories to take us back or stories to give those that are currently pregnant, some insight into the joys, laughs and moving moments of becoming a mother, aunt, friend to new life. So if you would like to see your story in print and a free book when published, I would love to hear your stories. Please send them to me at joanne.yordanou@sympatico.ca

Posted by purlprincess at 9:45 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 19 September 2008 9:47 AM EDT

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